If We Host It, Will You Come?
April 8, 2021
by Steve Hernandez, CAPP, Treasurer, MSTPA Board of Directors
To be successful in parking, you have to understand that our business is driven by the experience. A bad parking experience can result in a lost customer today and in the future. A bad vendor/customer experience can result in a lost sale today and in the future. A bad employment experience can result in unnecessary discord today and in the future. A bad annual conference can result in lost membership, attendance, and engagement today and in the future.
2020 introduced challenges our industry, and others, had never dreamt of, let alone experienced; especially with nearly every in-person conference canceled across the country as a result of COVID-19. The MSTPA Board and members are grateful we were able to host our 2020 conference in-person at the beautiful Sandestin Resort in Destin, FL just prior to the pandemic sweeping across our nation.
Our 2021 conference planning began immediately following our trip to Destin, and we often recounted how lucky we were to be able to host our annual event and provide our attendees with a valuable experience. The MSTPA Board was committed to hosting our 2021 conference in Chattanooga, TN while continuing the tradition of being the first conference of the year. As 2020 was coming to a close, we were faced with the decision many of our counterparts were faced with throughout 2020. Do we forge ahead with an in-person conference in Chattanooga during the first week of March and risk no one being able to attend due to budget and travel constraints or fears of the virus? Do we host a virtual-only conference and risk diminishing the vendor, sponsor, and attendee experience? Or do we postpone the conference to a date later in the year with the hope of effective vaccines and return to normalcy?
When factoring the risks and rewards for each of the options before us, the MSTPA Board decided it was in the association’s best interest to postpone our annual conference until September 12-15, 2021. In doing so, we will help ensure the optimum attendee, sponsor, and vendor experience. Furthermore, as more people receive the vaccine and we, as a community, respect new health protocols, the Board is confident The Westin will be able to host a safe and memorable experience for all of our attendees. We’re hosting, and we hope you attend!
See you soon!