MSTPA Member Profile: University of Tennessee Parking & Transit

November 15, 2021

Our next MSTPA member profile is Moira Bindner, Communications & Customer Service Manager for the University of Tennessee Parking & Transit Services. UT has been a great MSTPA since the beginning, and Moira has been an active leader in the organization. Learn more about their MSTPA story!

How long has your organization been a member of MSTPA?

A LONG time – probably back to the beginning

What value has MSTPA provided you personally, as well as your organization?

When I was interviewed my potential boss asked if I had any experience running conferences and I said yes. He then indicated that I would be a point person for the next year’s conference to be held in Knoxville. I was able to jump into the deep end and help with customizing the Knoxville conference with special moments to reflect our city and campus.

MSTPA has been a priority for our organization and our director supports multiple people attending the regional conference. He also encouraged attendance at the International conference when it was in Nashville for multiple staff members. Our office has also been able to bring Cindy Campbell to campus for training to reach staff members who are unable to attend these events.

What valuable industry lessons or best practices have you gained from your MSTPA involvement?

My MSTPA involvement has enabled me to learn the challenges of this industry, specifically in the university community. It has allowed me to create a network of SEC colleagues, assist other universities to learn how to create a more robust communications role in their department, and encouraged me to share my experience with colleagues at the international conference.

What unique, positive strategies or solutions have you implemented into your operation in the past year?

We were able to access trainings for all our staff to utilize when we were in “slow mode” and working from home last year. We also really fine-tuned, what do we need to do and what do we not need to do. When life gets put under a microscope and people put not only physical health, but mental health front and center, we all realized the need to stay sane and realize “It’s Just Parking – IJP”. Also, when school started in person last fall, but the majority of classes were online, we learned how to pivot A LOT and really learned the meaning of resilience looks like.

How do you think our industry will change in the next 5-10 years?

Service wise the industry will move to more automated “solutions” and much faster customer service. The challenge is which organizations will have the resources and training to keep up with demand. A system of haves and have nots is emerging. A large parking structure at a very busy mall can afford real-time availability by space to enhance the customer experience. A smaller university or community college may struggle to keep the signage current and the physical lots maintained, especially if they don’t charge for parking.

I see a much greater demand for customer service to address the frustrations when the “solutions” or the technology does not work. We can build a perfect solution, but the fact that human beings are interacting with that solution means – they will not “read the instructions”, will not “follow the rules”, and will constantly think we should make an exception for them, just this one time.

What advice would you give to a fellow industry professional as we move into the future?

My advice is specifically for women – we need to step into more visible and vocal positions. We need to be conducting presentations, running for boards of regional associations, and encouraging younger staff to take advantage of IPMI resources and trainings.

Renee Reithel

Renee has 15+ years of experience in the public relations and graphic design fields. It has been said Renee is a little odd—she understands the left- and right-brain sides of the industry. Her blend of skills works for the advantage of Rooted Red Creative as she makes sure everything from the writing to the design to the organizational side of your campaign is handled with care.

The Future is Everything


MSTPA Member Profile: City of Huntsville